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Home Security For Your Apartment

Posté le: Sep-06-2013 | vue (1294) fois | Word Count article: 510 |

In the past, apartment dwellers have had little recourse when it came to their own security. Most often, they were forced to rely on whatever security measures were offered by the particular apartment complex in which they resided.
In the past, apartment dwellers have had little recourse when it came to their own security. Most often, they were forced to rely on whatever security measures were offered by the particular apartment complex in which they resided. In some cases, this could be quite good, particularly if the apartment complex offered security guards that monitored the complex at all times. Other apartment complexes offer a certain type of combination lock that requires a multi-digit number in order for the front door to be accessed. Nevertheless, it is important to note that apartments can be just as much at risk of being broken into as a regular home.

Like most home invasions, apartment burglaries tend to occur during the daytime hours. This is because this is the time when fewer people are at home. The apartments that are most susceptible to break-ins are those that are on the first and second floors. Practically any apartment that is situated on the first or second floor can be invaded through either windows or the front door. More than 30% of all apartment burglaries are accessed through the door or window, as a matter of fact. If the apartment dweller has renter's insurance that might be able to recoup the cost of the items that were stolen, but if they do not, then they are often just out of luck.

The good news is that while apartments are just as easy to break into as homes, there are security methods that apartment dwellers can use to provide additional security and protection. These security systems, which are specifically designed for use in an apartment, are an ideal way to keep burglars out. The kit contains a master unit which sounds a 105 decibel alarm in the event a burglar attempts to invade the apartment. Apartment dwellers can even take advantage of a wireless unit that will detect an intruder over an area of some 1,200 square feet. Keychain remotes offer the ability for the system to be armed and disarmed as well as for the panic button to be turned on remotely without the need to reach for the master unit.

The wireless unit also offers battery back-up for up to 12 hours in the event power should go out. Monitoring is also available that will alert the authorities in the event that the alarm goes off. This is a perfect solution for apartment dwellers as most burglaries tend to occur during the daylight hours when neighbours are not at home. If the alarm goes off, a monitoring representative will contact the apartment and if there is no answer, then they will automatically contact local law enforcement officials. The system can be set up to cover any sliding doors that may lead to an exterior patio as well as the front door and the master bedroom area.

It is only natural for everyone to wish to protect their family and belongings. With this type of system now even individuals who live in an apartment have the ability to do so.

Source de l'article : Security For Your Apartment_742.aspx

auteur ressource :
D.M. Homes and Properties Pvt. Ltd. is one of the leading real estate company in Bhubaneswar. For more information regarding residential property in Bhubaneswar and apartments in Odisha just go through our website.

Mots-clés : apartments in Odisha, residential property in Bhubaneswar,

Catégorie : Finances : Immobilier

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